After a year of no activities because of the Covid-19 pandemic, we finally had our first education session.
Saturday July 10, we invited Lilliana Martinez a community health educator at the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City to share about Breast cancer to refugees and immigrants.

Many questions about cancer in general were addressed to the educator but specially about Breast Cancer. Interesting questions like: what cause Breast Cancer? Is it contagious? Is it curable? What’s the cost of mammogram?
One of the questions that caught our intention was from a refugee who barely arrived in the US, her question was BREAST CANCER IS A DEADLY DISEASE FOR SURE, IS THAT TRUE? This is why prevention is important, when it’ s detected at an early stage, patients have a chance to live longer.
A Breast Cancer survivor was in the room and she also shared her experience.

Important discussion, interesting sharing , we were happy to see how refugees and immigrants are interested in knowing more about Breast Cancer. Being educated will help them to prevent and know what to do.
This education session was a first of several upcoming sessions. We deeply believe that the best protection is prevention.